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Frequently asked Questions

useful information

How can I attend a meeting for the first time?

Just send us an email and we'll let you know when and where we fly or we meet

How often does Paramoteur Club Luxembourg meet?

As the weather is and we're sure it's flyable 

Do I have to be a member to participate?

No, you don't have to be a member to visit us, but if you want to fly at our site as a pilot, you must have a license and insurance as required by law. 

 Guest Pilot ! can I fly in Luxembourg? 

Yes, you can fly here in Luxembourg under certain rules! , if you have a pilot's license from an EU-recognized flight school and have valid insurance. Then you also have to apply for membership in the Paramoteur Club 35 € for the year and you will also receive instruction, and it is always important to read the Notam. You can find more information under Airfield Rules

Can I also become an inactive member?

Yes, you can also become an inactive member, so you can us, for examples Support ,Check out the Join page click here

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